Poker is a world-famous card game that allows you to have fun, improve some of your skills and even win a good amount of money. To start playing poker, you need to understand its basics.

Let’s start with a definition. The most popular type of poker is Texas hold ’em, so let’s look at the features of poker hole cards using it as an example.

As you know, the dealer puts five community cards on the table and deals two cards to each player. These two cards are called poker hole cards. They can only be seen by the player to whom they were dealt. They are also often referred to as “close” cards. Your task is not to show these cards to anyone throughout the game. Otherwise, your opponents will be able to assess your chances of winning and beat you. So be very careful and patient.

What are these cards for?

Hole cards help us create an individual combination. The common 5 cards play a serious role in poker, but anyone can use them to make a combination. But with hole cards is another situation. Only you will see your two cards. They will help to individualize your combination and make it special among others. This is the only thing that helps you to be different from your opponent because as the game progresses, the common 5 cards will gradually open up.

The key feature of poker hole cards

After you have been dealt cards, you can already roughly estimate all the possible combinations that you can collect. We also recommend you pay attention to the highest card to analyze if you do not collect a good combination and the enemy does not, whether you can win with your highest card. For example, if you see that you got K and 9, then if the player and you do not collect a combination and will be guided by the kicker, you have a high chance of winning.


We can conclude that poker hole cards play a very important role in the game. They help you make a unique combination and distinguish you from other players. Based on them, you can predict the further outcome of the game and analyze the situation. So after the first deal, take a close look at the cards and think through all the possible combinations. After opening the community cards, also look at your poker hole cards, and then you can play the game correctly and win. Always pay attention to your two cards.