What is a boat in poker? This is a question that every newcomer to poker has asked. To get to a more advanced level in this game, you also need to learn some slang and some terms. This article will be an excellent helper for this.

The essence of poker

It’s no secret that the main goal in any kind of poker is to collect a good hand. In total, there are 10 basic combinations that each player can collect, namely:

  • High card;
  • Pair;
  • Two pair;
  • Three of a kind;
  • Straight;
  • Flush;
  • Full house;
  • Four of a kind;
  • Straight flush;
  • Royal flush.

Depending on the collected combination, you can either win or lose the round. The higher the level of the combination, the more chances to win. Everything is very simple.

What is a boat in poker?

Let’s move on to the main question that interests many: what is a boat in poker? This phrase can often be heard by professional players. The thing is that this is a slang word that means Full House. It is the word boat in poker that denotes the well-known combination of Full House.

Full House Features

Since we have already figured out what is a boat in poker, let’s figure out what Full House means in poker. This is quite a strong combination, which is often referred to as 3:2. The combination consists of 5 cards. Three of these cards should be of the same denomination and the other two the other of the same denomination. For example, you have collected three J and two K. This will be a full house or boat in poker.


This is a rare combination that is quite difficult to collect. Therefore, if you managed to assemble a boat, then it’s time to take risks. Most likely, you will win with such a combination and take the whole pot.